This section contains demo , related to ClassiPI keyword search feature. In case of any queries,
make sure to contact us.
Example Scenario:
An analyst searching for relevant classes for “communication between two vehicles” technology/domain.
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Classification Search based on Keyword query
Query Submitted on interface: Vehicle and vehicle technology.
By default, CPC classification system is selected. However, the analyst can select one or more classification systems based on interest.
Top 10 classification candidates with their description are displayed as search results on result page below:
Analyst can select one or more relevant classes from the checkbox placed corresponding to each class candidate.
a. Also, analyst can copy the selected candidates using the Copy button or clear the selection using Clear button
Analyst can also choose other classification system or change classification systems on result page as well.
Analyst can check the full description (along with parent’s class description) of the CPC candidate using Enlarge option.
a. Current version of platform provides full description for CPC classification system only.
Analyst can also search for Japanese classification (i.e. FI and F-Terms) using keywords.
When an analyst clicks on the Theme code button, Viewpoints table will appear in pop-up. The Viewpoints table contains all the viewpoints related to selected theme code.
The analyst can perform keyword search within the viewpoints table to look for specific term in the selected theme code as well. Also, the analyst can select the multiple theme code using viewpoint checkbox.
Advanced Search option is also available on the platform.